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Connect via SSH


📄Connect to Leo Rover AP
Learn how to connect to your Leo Rover via WiFi.

Using Putty

Download and install Putty - it will allow you to establish SSH connection with the Rover and open a terminal session.

Open Putty, type as IP address and press Open.

Interface of PuTTY

The first time you try to connect, you may see the security warning shown below. You can safely ignore it and click the Yes button.

Security alert of PuTTY

When asked for credentials, type:

login: pi password: raspberry

Terminal screen while connected to Leo Raspberry Pi

You'll see something like this. You're in!

Using command line SSH client

If you are using Linux or Mac OS, you most likely have an SSH client already installed. On Windows 10, you can use this guide to install OpenSSH.

To connect to your Rover, open a terminal session and type:

ssh pi@

If you log in for the first time, you might see a similar message:

Terminal screen on the Linux

Type yes and press enter to continue.

When prompted for password, type: raspberry