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Connect to a local network and the Internet


📄Connect via SSH
Learn how to establish an SSH connection with your Leo Rover and access its terminal using Putty or OpenSSH.


When you connect the Rover to your local network that provides Internet connection, you'll be able to download files to the Rover, as well as forward the Internet to your computer when you're connected to the Rover's access point.

The LeoOS uses NetworkManager to manage the Raspberry Pi's internal Wifi. The Wifi interface can connect to both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz networks.

There are 2 easy ways to connect to an access point:

Open the Network Manager Text User Interface via SSH by typing:

Text User Interface of Network Manager

Select Activate a connection and choose your network from list below.

Remote Desktop Connection app

Type in the password when prompted. Press Esc to quit.