Turtle Rover docs
Turtle Rover has not been available for purchase since 2019. Its documentation has not been updated for four years and is no longer available publicly.
If you still have a Turtle Rover and need support, please contact us directly at:
If you are interested in a robot similar to Turtle Rover, consider checking our current product - Leo Rover.

Turtle Rover original description​

Turtle Rover is open-source and built on RaspberryPi. You can put up to 10 kg of equipment on top and it's waterproof. With open USB, I2C and Ethernet connections you can use any of-the-shelf components to provide new functionalities.
Don't reinvent the wheel every time you want to build a robot, focus on the add-ons and the functionalities that really matter. Turtle Rover is a stable platform you can deploy outdoor as it's waterproof and built tough enough for extreme environment.