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Fictionlab documentation is written in MDXv3 format. It is an markdown with possibility to insert HTML and React components.

To see whats possible with markdown, see this guide:

🔗Markdown reference

General rules​

When it comes to general documentation writing rules it is best to look around. Match the style you see used in the rest of the project. If something is inconsistent or you have doubts, feel free to report it via github issues, e-mail or any other means.

Here are some tips to help you write nice document:

  • When it comes to images, use only ImageZoom or ThemedImageZoom components.
  • If you have trouble with style, spelling etc., ChatGPT can be great ally.
Example ChatGPT prompt

You are an experienced technical copywriter with extensive expertise in creating documentation for large robotics companies. Your goal is to ensure that your texts are clear, precise, specific, and written in professional technical language. Rewrite the text below to enhance clarity, specificity, and suitability for use in technical documentation. Ensure that all technical terms are used correctly, and that the text follows a logical structure suitable for engineers and technical professionals.

[text to rewrite]

  • For tutorials that have multiple possible paths, for example different commands for Linux and Windows systems, use Tabs. Different use case is for different hardware versions of a rover.
  • When it comes to file naming avoid using underscores (_), use dashes (-) instead.
  • Use only lowercase letters in file names.

Front matter​

Front matter is used to add metadata to your Markdown file. All content plugins have their own front matter schema, and use the front matter to enrich the default metadata inferred from the content or other configuration.

All documents included in Fictionlab documentation are required to have following Front matter fields:

title: # title of the document
sidebar_label: # title of the document on the sidebar
keywords: # few keywords that describe the document, recommended 4-5
description: >- # text description about document content, up to 160 characters, SEE warning below
image: # path to image that is shown when embedding link on social media, in Google etc.

Prettier automatically wraps text with more than 80 characters in one line.
When using multiline strings in YAML, it is recommended to use >- scalars. Otherwise it won't be possible to use special characters like colons :. If description is shorter than 80 characters, it is safe to remove >- scalar.

More information: YAML multiline strings

The following fields are associated with the document's Search Engine Optimization (SEO) parameters.

In addition it is possible to set additional fields:

id: document_ID
Used to set custom ID of the document. By default it is taken from the file name.


This parameter defines only the final segment of the ID. The preceding segments are derived from the file structure.

sidebar_position: number
This parameter is used to set a custom order for the documents within categories. By default, the documents are arranged alphabetically.


All documents within a particular category must have this parameter set to ensure correct ordering.

slug: document_slug
Used to set custom URL slug of the article. By default file name is used.


The slug can be set as either relative (page-slug) or absolute (/page-slug). Relative slugs will have preceding segments derived from the file structure, while absolute slugs will be served directly at the page root.

There are additional possible fields, but the ones mentioned above are typically sufficient for setting the document's metadata correctly. For a complete list of possible fields, refer to the Markdown front matter documentation on


  • When it comes to images, use only ImageZoom or ThemedImageZoom components.
  • Do not use underscores _ in names, use dashes instead -.
  • Name images descriptively, avoid names like 323d2324.webp.
    • When there are multiple images in a document (such as a manual), you can keep the same name and add numbering to them. For example: battery-10.webp.
  • All images should be stored in /docs/static/img directory.
  • All images should be converted into webp format. It is more modern, thus more space efficient. Default quality should be 80 with lossy setting. For image conversion, you can use tools such as or ImageMagick.

Themed images​

In addition, images with different versions for light and dark mode should include the -light or -dark suffix in their filenames. For example, leo-rover-render-light.webp.

  • The -light suffix indicates that the image is intended for use in light mode. For example, such images should feature black text.
  • The -dark suffix indicates that the image is intended for use in dark mode. For example, such images should feature white text.

Themed images should have the same dimensions and should represent the same content.

Formatting styles​

click/press command (image)boldclick yes to proceed
choose from options (image)codeChoose Xorg session
type (image)codetype pi for the username
mention of external softwarelinkThe LeoOS uses NetworkManager to manage...
tool name (ssh)codelook up the message description using rosmsg tool:
directoriesboldfiles inside /home/pi directory
versionscodeWe recommend the full version.
file namescodeModify the hostapd.conf configuration
field namescodeModify the ssid and wpa_passphrase fields.
shortcutsboldType Ctrl+O and Enter to save
ROS topicscode... see the /battery topic.
service namescodeor by stopping the leo service:
variablescodemake sure the START_ROSCORE variable is set to true on the main rover


Empty sections​

If document is scheduled to be published before full completion. Do not leave empty sections. It can be mistaken as an oversight.

To mark unfinished section add TODO mdx comment and Work in progress text for the users.

{ /* TODO */ }

_Work in progress_